Drama Short Film Festival was first held in 1978, on the initiative of the Drama Film Club. The response of filmmakers, as well as the public, was enthusiastic from the very beginning. A few years later, the Festival was adopted by the Municipality of Drama and then, in the mid-eighties, by the Greek State. In 1995 the Festival became International.
As of its 46th edition and on, DISFF in collaboration with the Academy Awards® sends the two short films that receive its top awards (Golden Dionysos and the Grand Prix in both the National and International Competitions) to the Oscars shortlist.
Today, the Festival is home to the new generation of Greek and foreign directors that excel in a worldwide scale, receiving awards at the biggest Festivals of the international short film circuit.
The visual identity of DISFF has also received awards for its uniqueness and style. Check out the new merchandise we created for you. Our e-shop will be continually updated with new and collectible products. Stay tuned for the next drop!